Brother Rusty Gardiner OMI has designed an experimental Mazenodian banner for us. Thank you to Rusty and to all who support the publication of these reflections.

The text in the background is that of the retreat notes written by Saint Eugene when he described his experience of God’s love on one Good Friday that changed his life.

The pictures are of Eugene as a young priest in Aix en Provence, then as the Founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and then as Bishop.

The reflections will begin again on Monday August 12.


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1 Response to NEW LOOK

  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    Wow! Simply beautiful!

    This claims the site – this immediately presents us with an image of Eugene, who he was and how he lives on today in his sons and daughters. This image is yet another part of the invitation to ponder and reflect on how Eugene lived then and now in us.

    So this morning I reflect simply on St. Eugene and his dynasty (familial), the house that began with him, coming out of his experiences of God, his oblation of self and his willingness to gather around him others, to found a congregation, a family. Its interesting that this morning (and I hope not totally inappropriate) but I am thinking of Abraham, father to generations of people, father to his descendants – us – Christians, Jews and Muslims. All different and yet so very much alike.

    This reminds me of Jesus and his invitation to many to follow him, gathering around him not only the 12 apostles but others, men and women to live as he did, to imitate his way of life. Eugene did the same, making himself, allowing himself to become a Co-operator of the Savior, inviting us to follow him, share in the charism.

    Am sure I have not done justice to all that I receive from being able to come here and discover all that I am and share a little of that. It comes from Frank and Rusty and so many others for sharing Eugene, his charism and a way of living.

    Thank you Frank and Rusty.

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