Father Baudrand was the superior of a community of three Oblates and Eugene was delighted that they got on well with each other. It weas always his wish that an Oblate community be united in the charity expressed in unity of heart and mind.

I am happy to learn that you are united as one in your house in Longueuil with Fathers Chevalier and Lagier. I wish to God that we had always understood that this union of minds and hearts is a duty from which we should never deviate, but also that the happiness of life depends on its fulfilment.

Letter to Father Jean Baudrand in Canada, 30 September 1849, EO I n 124


“Unity is strength… when there is teamwork and collaboration, wonderful things can be achieved.” (M. Stepanek)

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate Associate says:

    It seems that Eugene is reviewing “Getting Along With Others 101” with Fr. Baudrand. In this piece of the letter he congratulates his sons who are working as one, united in heart and mind. Here the charity that he mentions refers not to the good works that they might be doing but to the characteristic of how they love – in the light of the love of Jesus as he died on the cross for each of us.

    It is a reminder that listening with only our mind so as to come up with a quick fix that can lead to alienation and anger of all. However if we listen with our heart and mind then let go of our own needs and emotions we will be able to take in those of the other(s).

    To try to do everything on our own, shuts out everyone else including God. We are called to community, specific communities that God introduces us to. As children of God and sons and daughters of St. Eugene de Mazenod we must learn to play with each other first, before trying to play in the sandbox of the world.

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