Who is Eugene de Mazenod?


1782      birth in Aix en Provence
1791      forced into exile in Italy by the French Revolution
1802      return to France
1808      entered the Seminary of St. Sulpice, Paris, to study for the priesthood
1811      ordained priest
1812      returned to Aix and did not go into a parish but
dedicated his ministry to those not being touched by the structures of the Church:
the poor who spoke Provençal, youth, prisoners, neglected inhabitants of  small villages
1816      founded the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate (initially Missionaries of Provence)
1823      appointed Vicar General of Marseilles
1832      ordained Bishop of Icosia, but with residence in Marseilles
1837      appointed Bishop of Marseilles
1841      sends first Oblate missionaries to Canada and Ireland and England
1861      death on 21 May
1975      beatified by Pope Paul VI as a missionary passionate for Jesus Christ and for the Church
1995      canonised by Pope John Paul II
TODAY    his missionary spirit continues in some 4000 Missionary Oblates in 67 countries,
thousands of laity in the Mazenodian family throughout the world,
and the members of some 44 institutes of consecrated life connected to his charism.
Many find in St Eugene an intercessor for families in difficulties



Father Hervé Aubin OMI has very generously allowed me to reproduce his brief biography of Saint Eugene here.

 We offer it to you so that you may deepen your knowledge of this saint, whose writings we explore each day.


12 Responses to Who is Eugene de Mazenod?

  1. Rigoberto Valdivia says:

    Hey Father Frank awesome job. I was looking at it and it is very useful. Thanks for all the work and may God bless you and keep you to continue doing a great job. Blessings.

  2. Pingback: WELCOME! | Eugene de Mazenod

  3. Frank this is the first chance I have had to explore your new web page. Congratulations. It will be a great resource.



  4. Roshan says:

    Dear Franck,
    Hai, I am back again in Bandarawela. I read the daily reflections and appriciate the content. Thanks for the initiative you have taken to animate the Congragation this way.

  5. Hola, Frank, ánimo en tu trabajo de animador del Carisma. En referencia a considerar a San Eugenio de Mazenod como “intercesor en pro de las familias en dificultad”, quiero subrayar que el Movimiento “Familias Nuevas” de la Obra de María está trabajando en ese campo pastoral: separados/as, divorcidados/as, parejas divorciadas que han contraído nuevo matrimonio… Su asistente eclesiástico es el P. Paolo Bachelet S.J. está muy interesado en conocer más a fondo a San Eugenio como hijo de “diorciados” y le gustaría que se le propusiera como Patrono e intercesor de esas “familias en dificultad”, pues me dice: No sabes el bien que podría hacer a esas personas, en su situación dolorosa y tantas veces irreversible, el presentarles a un “hijo de divorciados” que recibe la llamada al sacrdocio, que llega a ser Obispo y Fundador y que ha sido proclamado Santo por la máxima autoridad de la Iglesia… “Cosígueme toda la literatura y estudios existentes sobre esa vertiente de la vida de San Eugenio”.

  6. FR I love what you did, the more I read the more is the more I get to
    Ask my self that what is my mission on earth.Thank you
    We become more stronger in our faith when reading this book of the life of our great Saint.

  7. Susan T. Brotherman says:

    Father Frank, I continue to find resources to know more and more about you and other Oblates, and, especially, your / our founder. St. Eugene has become a daily friend.
    God keep you well as you continue His and Eugene’s mission.


  8. mfana says:

    dear frank

    I love what you did it nice to learn more about our found de mazenod

  9. Oscar Hernandez says:

    What is st. Eugene a patron saint of?

    • franksantucci says:

      he is not patron saint of anyone. He is the Founder of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate and so is the beloved patron of our Mazenodian Family. Many people see in him a patron for dysfunctional families, because his own family was broken – and they feel that he can pray for them as he understands their pain.

  10. Nathi says:

    For the first time read deep about oblate and our founder I feel the spirit of belonging in the heart of God through fr. Eugene, tnx baba 4 your knowledge your share with us about who’s de Mazenode to us

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