
This site aims to present the thought of St Eugene de Mazenod by means of daily extracts from his writings with brief introductions. The texts I choose are those that speak to me and inspire me on my daily journey along the way he has mapped out for us who are the members of his missionary family.

My long-term aim with this blog is to have as many texts of St. Eugene available on the internet that can be researched using the search-engine according to themes or particular words.

 The texts are taken from the published writings of Eugene de Mazenod, Oblate Writings (abbreviated as EO) These can be found on the web as follows:

In the original French at https://www.omiworld.org/fr/notre-charisme/fondateur/ecrits/ 

The English version can be found at http://www.omiworld.org/RepositaryFileCat.asp?L=2&Cat=1053&offset=40

To find out more about St Eugene and Oblate charism and spirituality, much material can be found at http://www.omiworld.org/ In particular under the tabs: OMI spirituality, Oblate library, History, and Files for Animation, as well as in some of the sites indicated in the Links.

This site also exists in

Spanish:  www.eugenedemazenod.net/esp
French : www.eugenedemazenod.net/fra
: www.eugenedemazenod.net/ita
German: http://www.mazenod.de/

Frank Santucci OMI

FCA: Founder and Charism Animation Service
Oblate School of Theology, San Antonio, Texas


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6 Responses to About

  1. Ron LaFramboise says:

    You are amazing!!!! Thanks for making St. Eugene known.

  2. I would love to be more acquainted with Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate World for I feel called to this life.

  3. Excelent! The fire of Eugene’s is clearly visible in your person and ministry. Thank You

  4. Arockia Doss, OMI says:

    Fr, really you have done a tremendous contribution to our congregation.

  5. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    Thanks for this Frank. We offer and introduce this site as a part of our formation for Associates here in Ontario District and hope to include it as a valuable resource for the Associates of OMI Lacombe Canada Province. A brief writing coupled with your reflection offers the history and spirit of St. Eugene, the early Oblates and how it is lived out today.

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