In a letter of September 1813, Eugene’s spiritual director, Father Duclaux, encouraged him in his prison ministry by urging him to continue as he was doing because his approach would lead many to conversion, sorrow for their sins and repentance. In this light today I do not publish the direct words of Eugene, but the eyewitness testimony of a Father Martin regarding the conversion effected by Eugene on a hardened woman criminal called La Germaine who had been condemned to death. So fine were her sentiments of repentance that he admitted her to receive Communion before her death – something frowned upon at that time by the Jansenist-leaning Church.

He also had the opportunity, says an eye-witness, to prepare for her death an unfortunate woman called la Germaine, who had been condemned to death. This guilty creature, the enormity of whose crimes had been the cause of horror and public indignation, was so affected by the exhortations of Abbé de Mazenod that she converted completely. She showed such excellent dispositions that, contrary to the prejudices of the time, Abbé de Mazenod admitted her to receive communion. In addition, public opinion changed significantly when this unfortunate woman was seen going towards the scaffold giving touching evidence of her repentance and her docility to the exhortations of the confessor who accompanied her, while being strongly moved himself. He encouraged the repentant victim with words of compassion and mercy, and she blessed aloud the charitable apostle who had contributed so effectively to bring about this miracle of grace.

REY, Histoire de Monseigneur Charles Joseph-Eugene de Mazenod,
Volume I, Maison Générale, Rome, 1928, p. 158

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