The third section of the Rule life focused on the relationship of the young people with the Church:
In the same way they will accept the teachings of the Holy Church. They will observe them with the full knowledge that they cannot, without being guilty, refuse this mother who has given them life in Jesus Christ as a result of the authority entrusted to her by her divine Spouse.
Règlements et Statuts de la Congrégation de la Jeunesse, 1813, p. 20
Here Eugene returns to a favourite theme: the Church as the Spouse of Christ who is a mother for her members because she has brought the life of Christ to birth in them. She has “engendered” them as children in the Son, and Eugene’s aim was to make people understand what it meant.
Again, referring to his letter from the seminary on the catechism class with the poor boys of Paris, we can recognize Eugene’s concern to make them understand the meaning of belonging to the Church – and not merely doing things out of blind obedience:
I will have in my catechism class a large number of older boys who have not yet made their first communion. Taking them on does not constitute a problem for me, as with God’s help we will not do such a bad job. Clearly they have to make their first communion, but it is still more necessary that they do it well.
Letter to his mother, 4 February 1809, O.W. XIV n.44
Our – my ongoing struggle with our Holy Mother Church. Although it is clearly not as bad as it was, there are still things that I struggle with, that I guess I must just sit with and allow myself to be. All of the times that my God you do not turn away from me, but rather you pick me up and carry me.
“the meaning of belonging to the Church – and not merely doing things out of blind obedience.” I am reminded of the times that I have gone somewhere because I was told that I had to but that in fact I did not want to be a part of; a meeting, a party, coffee with a friend, an AA meeting, church. I might have been there, but with my mind and heart closed off to all around me – all about attitude. Invariably, if I am open then so are those around me. It is humbling for sure and it is gift – I need only let go of mysef, my anger, my pain, my stubbornness, my trying to keep it all about me.
It seems to me that it is when I am at my most vulnerable, powerless and naked, that God comes and picks me up. God comes in family, friends, the voiceless, the church, in nature, in those who come before me.
Today let me move from and be from gratitude and if I find myself in a place that I do not want to be, let me be there with love and openness. Let me live this day to the fullest – with rather than without.