One of the greatest Christian mystics and contemplatives, Saint Teresa of Avila, lived in the awareness of God in her everyday activities and was able to proclaim: “The Lord walks among the pots and pans.” It is this same attitude that Eugene was aiming to cultivate in the lives and awareness of the members of his Youth Congregation.

In the midst of their daily occupations they must remember Jesus’ command to continuous prayer, expressed in sentiments of love, repentance, faith or whatever the moment inspires:

Art. 38. We must not give up the obligations and duties that Providence has entrusted to each one according to his situation No, far from it. For it is in the very exercise of those responsibilities that the instruction [ed. of Jesus] is performed with more fruit.
The only requirement is to be faithful to what was said: to remember this sacred presence at the times and in the ways we have indicated. But in order to attract God’s grace the congregant raises his heart to Him in a manner that is loving and full of confidence in the goodness of the merciful Father, who is willing to be content with an expression of love, an expression of sorrow and repentance, or frequent acts of faith in Him. 
This is what the continuous prayer is that our Divine Master proposed, and nothing more is needed… 

Statuts, Chapitre XII, §2


I am as sure as I live that nothing is so near to me as God. God is nearer to me than I am to myself; my existence depends on the nearness and the presence of God. Meister Eckhart

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    I love what Meister Eckhart said – it is so true. I find that without God being near, being an integral part of my daily life with its ups and downs, struggles and joys I am nothing. If I can somehow make my day – all that I do and am a prayer, then that is a start and I find myself sharing all of my day with Him – he is my constant and dearest companion and deep and integral part of myself. Without that – then I get caught up in myself and then even a good day is not so great! The Lord walks not only the pots and pans but through the corridors of the offices, past the photocopiers, down the aisles of the grocery store and through the gardens. How wondrous is our God!

  2. Thanks Frank for this quote from Theresa of Avila.
    As a Chef I think I will put it on my refrigerator door!
    “The Lord walks among the pots and pans”

    This morning I read the chapter in the Dictionary of Oblate Value regarding “Deceased Oblates”. In gratitude for all those who have paved the way, support us with their celestial prayer and called us to live with the Divine Fire in our bellies. We give thanks!

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