For Eugene the Youth Congregation was not an institution, but a living body of young people who, together, had a motherly function for one another. Thus as a “mother” the congregation’s members engage themselves:

Art. 3. By her example and her advice, she protects them against all dangers. She will strengthen them in the face of the many attacks they run into from the numerous enemies of their salvation. She will keep them in the fear and the love of God; finally she will ensure their happiness in this life and in the next.

Statuts, Chapitre XIV – Devoirs de la Congrégation envers les congréganistes

 This concept of a body of people who formed a motherly presence, was to be a life-long image for Eugene of the Church, and also of the Oblate Congregation: not institutions, but living bodies that bring life.


Every action of our lives touches on some chord that will vibrate in eternity. ~Edwin Hubbel Chapin

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  1. The sense of the Society being that of the body. We see the image from St. Paul and may take it for grated what that means. Yes we are radically connected, radically One. And in using this image Eugene adds to it. The Body we are one with is “She” Feminine. Yes, we could easily say “Mother Church” and we would be correct, but are we playing it safe by staying in the “spiritual” and not trusting the incarnational? The feminine, this “She” is the divine Anima that makes us whole and ” she will ensure their happiness in this life and in the next.”
    Any thoughts on this?

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