The Youth Congregation was centred on the welfare of each young member. Continuing to develop the concept of the Congregation as a caring mother, Eugene explains what the young person has the right to expect when he becomes a member of this body:

Art. 4. From the moment that he is received as a congregant, he is entitled to all the benefits and care of the Congregation.
If the congregant is sick, it ensures that he is looked after and given relief. If he is poor, the Congregation is concerned about his situation and tries to alleviate the harshness of his poverty. If he dies, its concern extends beyond the short duration of his life, and it overlooks nothing so as to lessen his pains and speed up his release [ed. from the suffering of Purgatory].
In short, each congregant is the special object of the Congregation’s constant consideration all the time.

Statuts, Chapitre XIV – Devoirs de la Congrégation envers les congréganistes

This text shows how Eugene conceived the Youth Congregation as being a part of the Church as the Body of Christ who cares for its members as Jesus taught:

I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you gave me clothing, I was sick and you took care of me, I was in prison and you visited me…
Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me. Matthew 25
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2 Responses to YOU DID IT TO ME

  1. This text seems clear. We take care of each other. But do I get lost in the WE and forget that I as a part of the WE are called to be attentive to each of my brothers and sisters.
    Do I give them call when they are lonely? Do I drop in to see them when they are sick? Do I remember them on feast days? Do I celebrate there accomplishment and sit with them time of grief? Do I remember them in prayer?
    That I can come up with a list so fast tell me and you I have a ways to go.
    But the text and goal is there as a beacon which calls us into “communion” and nourishes us along the way.

  2. Anda says:

    On the wall above my computer I have one of the versions of part of a prayer bt St Theresa of Avila: “Christ has no body, but ours….” And having the reading of Matthew 25, it does seem self-evident in a way – but I know I don’t DO it…. Using a phrase friends of mine say, I may “talk the talk” but I don’t “walk the walk” The husband of a friend of mine had an operation this morning – but until my husband mention wondering about “how he was doing”, I hadn’t thought about him or his wife in more than 20 hours. And this is a “friend”? You can see that if this is a friend, “the other” is nowhere in my mind….

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