The concern of the Congregation when its members fall into misery:
Art. 9. If, as a result of unfortunate circumstances, a congregant falls into poverty, the Congregation cannot allow him to remain in a state of destitution. It will immediately take care of his most pressing needs and devise means to provide sufficient relief for as long as he is in distress. If the finances of the Congregation permit it, efforts will be made to empower this poor fellow to help himself through his own industry, without the help of others.
Statuts, Chapitre XIV – Devoirs de la Congrégation envers les congréganistes§ 1 — Envers les confrères pauvres
Talk doesn’t cook rice. ~Chinese Proverb
My goodness!
Between you and Jack (Fr. Jack Lau OMI), I have been learning a lot about life, and community, and family lately – from food, of all things (and knives too…lol).
I certainly cannot find fault in what was said in the statutes. But I have to admit that I laughed out loud to read the Chinese proverb! My grandmother used to say: “enough talk – just do it!” I think I like this one better – it brings an instant smile to me. Thank you.