Having received the approval of all the Missionaries to take responsibility for ND du Laus as a center of mission and the go-ahead to write a Rule of Life for them, Eugene responded to the Vicar General of Digne:
In matters like this things do not go well by letter. I was undecided whether I should accompany our deacon to his ordination but your letter resolved my uncertainty; I will go with him to Digne, where I will have the honor of seeing you and discussing this matter with you.
Letter to M. Arbaud, 23 August 1818, O.W. XIII, n. 16
The deacon preparing himself for his priestly ordination was Noel Francois Moreau, originally from Digne.
Thus in September Eugene set out from Aix to go to the family home at St Laurent du Verdon with the scholastic brothers Marius Suzanne and Noel Moreau. They travelled by public horse-drawn coach. He described the journey to his uncle Fortuné. I reproduce it here because it gives an idea of travel at that time, but more importantly because it shows the spirit of unity between the Missionaries. When Eugene speaks of “our dear family” he is referring to the Missionaries in Aix and what they were doing at the same time as he was on the road:
Our trip, very dear uncle, was very agreeable, very happy and not at all tiring. We arrived at St-Paul with enough time to make our adoration at the church, while our dear family took a refreshing walk; we said our rosary walking on the main road while they ate supper and the day after we were already on the road while they were still sleeping, so that they could have said “ego dormio et cor meum vigilat” [ed. Song of Songs 5: 2 “I was sleeping but my heart kept vigil”] since they had been very much present and part of our feeble prayers.
We arrived at Gréoux at 8 o’clock; I had the joy of saying Holy Mass, and we left again at 11 o’clock; we were only three in the carriage which dropped us off at Allemagne where our horses had been waiting since morning. It was full daylight when we arrived at St-Laurent. Mama came to meet us. I found her in good health…
Our Fathers at Aix are always present in our thoughts and in our solitude we make our religious exercises in union with theirs.
Letter to Fortuné de Mazenod, 4 September 1818, O.W. XIII, n.17
“Happiness awaits us in this holy Society which will have but one heart and soul.” Letter to Henri Tempier, 9 October 1815, O.W. VI n. 4.