When Eugene had written to Henri Tempier to invite him to join the Missionaries, he had said:
We will live together in one house, that which I have bought, under a Rule we shall adopt with common accord and for which we will draw the elements from the statutes of St. Ignatius, of St. Charles for his Oblates, of St. Philip Neri, of St. Vincent de Paul and of the Blessed Liguori. Happiness awaits us in this holy Society which will have but one heart and soul.
Letter to Henri Tempier, 9 October 1815, O.W. VI n. 4.
The Rule which Eugene put together in September 1818 at St Laurent drew from the source of the Rules of other religious Congregations, especially that of St. Alphonsus Liguori who preached missions from the perspective of Christ the Redeemer, also of Saints Ignatius, Charles Borromeo, Philip Neri, Vincent de Paul, as well as the Sulpicians.
All these figures were admired by Eugene for their zeal either in mission preaching, or devotion to the poor, or ministry to youth, or foreign missions, or pastoral care etc. Eugene built on solid rock here as well because he made use of Rules that had been approved by the Church, and which contained the lived experience of other and older Congregations.
The sections which Eugene adapted and made his own clearly expressed his own spirit in a tried and tested manner, and thus together with the Missionaries of Provence whose Rule it was, we need to see these Rules as their own reality which expressed the spirit with which God led them to respond to God’s call.
The Rule was the Gospel reflected for the Mazenodian family in the light of our charism, and thus we can proclaim:
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” Psalm 119:105
Two true writings, one a psalm and one a poem. Are they contradictory?
“Wanderer, your footsteps are
the road, and nothing more;
wanderer, there is no road,
the road is made by walking.
By walking one makes the road,
and upon glancing behind
one sees the path
that never will be trod again.”
–Antonio Machado
“Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” – Psalm 119:105
Are they a contradiction?
As a missionary, I see Eugene more in Antonio Machado’s poem – blazing a new trail.
He may look back at the path he has made but he can never go back and walk it again. And I believe he knew that. He knew that with God’s help he had to get it right so others could and would follow.
As missionaries, I see us (it makes me feel good to say “us”) more in the psalm. God does light, for us to follow, the path Eugene created.
What are your thoughts?
“we shall adopt with common accord”.
A powerful statement of collaboration within the developing community.
How do we do this?
Do I/We first pray and then together do ask how will we be faithful to the C&R in 2012.
This is not only for “under one roof community” but is also appropriate for the de Mazenodian Family. How do we consciously live out our call in the vocation that we are call to?
I remember meeting a member from an other religious community who said, when a new person enters the community the process of sharing, telling the personal story, needs and gifts and the community rhythm takes place for an entire week with a facilitator who is from community. And in the end they all agree to live out the C&R in the Here and Now.