With a balanced Christ-centered focus in the quality of their lives and relationships, the Missionaries were to fill the world with the “perfume” of the transforming presence of the Kingdom of God:

However, their chief concern will be, as much when out on missions as when in the house,
to make progress in the paths
of ecclesiastical and religious perfection…
in a word, they will strive to become other Christs,
radiating everywhere the fragrance
of his lovable virtues.

1818 Rule, Part Two, s Chapter One. Regarding other principal observances

The Missionary’s ideal is to transform:

Our life in all its dimensions is a prayer that, in us and through us, God’s kingdom come.

CC&RR, Constitution 32


“Nothing is so contagious as example; and we never do any great good or evil which does not produce its like.”     Francois de La Rochefoucauld

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    “The Missionary’s ideal is to transform: Our life in all its dimensions is a prayer that, in us and through us, God’s kingdom come. CC&RR, Constitution 32”

    Again some daunting words and yet at the same time a leap of joy in this ongoing dance of life, it is becoming a shouted “yes”. Yesterday I had the joy of being able to listen to and talk with some Oblates and hear how they live out their daily prayer and how through God, lives are transformed. In fact I find that part of the transformation God is working in me is the touching of the many people I meet. Their ongoing prayer, their life within God touches me and those touches continue the transformation process. I can only ask God that somehow that touch continues and flows through me to those I am with. Somehow this is, this now, is the kindom of God – it is here, we are in the midst of it.

    We, each of us whom have been called, each of us who share together this Oblate charism, we are each of us missionaries, lay and religious alike. Awesome. I don’t know that I ever wanted to be a missionary – I just wanted to somehow become a saint. Heh Eugene, look at what’s happening now!

  2. Jack Lau, OMI says:

    “They will strive to become other Christs, radiating everywhere the fragrance
    of his lovable virtues.”

    This is Eugene the Poet, the Proud & Challenging / Father-Founder
    Do we see ourselves as a fragrance?

    In some cultures and I think of India and the Oblate Ashram called Aanmodaya, fragrances beckons you into the temple and into the “Cave of the Heart” where the lotus blossoms opens. In N. America just the word “fragrance” is an affront to masculinity. How shallow and fearful we are!

    A fragrance is not boxed in, it is illusive. What about you/me?
    You know and sense a fragrance but you can’t hold it or quantify it. It is simply is. What about you/me?
    A Fragrance reminds us of the Spirit. It is present but doesn’t take up space. What about you/me?
    A Fragrance changes the atmosphere by simply being. What about you/me?
    A Fragrance is not imposing. What about you/me?
    A Fragrance speaks of the ever changing seasons of life. What about you/me, to celebrate our seasons in life and then let them go/slowly dissipating in time?

    So today. Be mindful of the the rose, a home cook meal, for the fragrances of life calling us simply to “BE”.

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