Saint Eugene usually does not “speak” on Sundays in this site, so I take the opportunity of his silence today, just to say thank you to all of you for your support and reactions to the daily reflections. What started off in May 2010 (in English) as a little private hobby is now reaching a significant number of daily readers (in English, French, Spanish and Italian).

I am grateful that others are finding some spiritual nourishment here.


The style of the site has also been evolving over the past two years. Today, while aiming to maintain scientific accuracy in handling the texts, I try to be more personally involved by sharing different insights that the texts evoke in me. Here I am grateful to those who are reacting regularly through the “comments”. Thank you, because your reflections, as personal as they are at times, present a fresh insight and help to others to relate to the ideas of Eugene de Mazenod.

I invite others to share your reflections and comments.

It is in this way that we can help each other to make 200 year –old texts relevant today. Eugene’s charism is alive and wonderfully active in over 60 countries, thus the aim of this website is to allow Eugene’s own writings to continue to be a source of the deepening and success of this charism today.

Please contribute to this process by sharing your reflections. [On the site, just click on “Leave a reply” and get creative…]


In these days Saint Eugene is speaking to us from Marseille, where I am preparing myself to begin an exciting new ministry at Oblate School of Theology, in San Antonio, Texas , later this year. I will be joining the education ministry of Father Ron Rolheiser and his team, with a particular contribution in the sphere of Oblate Studies as these are related to the courses of missiology, spirituality, history and theology. At the same time I will continue the ministry of Founder and Charism Animation for the Mazenodian Family that I have been involved with for several years. I also look forward to re-launching the animators’ network in this context.

The aim of all this is to learn about and interpret the spirit and charism of St Eugene de Mazenod in a way that can be relevant for our 21st century lives. Dear follower of “Eugene de Mazenod speaks to us,” I look forward to your presence and contribution on the journey.

Frank Santucci OMI

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associates says:

    Thank you Frank – and a very Happy 2nd Birthday!

    Your daily reflections lead me into my own daily reflection and has become a part of my personal formation (always ongoing) of Eugene and the Oblates – then and now. It helps me in my ongoing discovery of who I am.

    But much more than just being a part of my personal day it has also become a tool and a part of the daily life and reflection of many Oblate Associates here in Lacombe Canada. It has become a part of the “package” we use in our District for those who are interested in learning more about St. Eugene and the Oblates, be it to learn more about their parish, pastor or to take a closer look at Oblate Association. It has also become a part of the presentation and workshop that we are taking across Lacombe Canada Province in our process of bringing together District Associates and building a Provincial identity.

    So again Frank a very very Happy 2nd Birthday – sent with much gratitude, love and prayers.

  2. Jack Lau, OMI says:

    Thanks Frank for celebrating this day.
    This is important for us to do. Not only because it is good work, yet it is, but because
    we are called to, we need to support one another in their gifts and passions.
    In times of busy schedules, in a world that is becoming more individualistic and solitary our affirmation of each reminds us that our works are communal and we need one another.
    Thanks for being there for me.

  3. Anda says:

    I add my thanks and gratitude, Frank – for the work you put into this daily meditation and the thought process that it makes us undertake there after. Granted – I have been a little slack in reading and find myself doing “catch-up” instead some weeks – partly because there are days when the posts,or the comments of my friends, seem so strong and I just don’t see my own faith in that strength. Rather than grow with them, I am talented at wallowing apart. You may think that this is a sad commentary to add to a birthday celebration. Instead consider it as a sign of the wonderful challenge that St Eugene through you passes on to us – in sports lingo – take the ball and run with it. I may be tripping and not running – but I still attend the practices!

  4. franksantucci says:

    Thanks a lot, Anda!

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