Four weeks into the mission in Aix en Provence, Eugene’s uncle Fortuné continued to enthuse about the effects of the ministry of the Missionaries of Provence, and of his nephew in particular.
His way of life is truly a marvel and God sustains him only that He might work unbelievable wonders through him in the three churches assigned to his missionaries, even though he preaches only in Provençal. I doubt that things are the same in the other churches, in spite of Parisian eloquence; that kind of eloquence does not stir the heart as does that of your son. The results he has accomplished are so prodigious that work of the most consoling kind is cut out for us for several months.
Consequently, the mission church and house were literally invaded by penitents. Fortune assisted his nephew and the Missionaries and wrote:
So great is the harvest, especially with the poor, that I would feel guilty before God if I were to refuse to lend a hand. I hear confessions any time from five in the morning until nine in the evening… The same is true of all our missionaries of Provence… The veneration, in which your son is held, is beyond description. Even his mother is showered with blessings whenever she appears in public. I have cause to believe that those pastors who refused to allow him to preach in their churches are sorry, now that they see all the good being accomplished at Saint Sauveur and at Faubourg where the people flock in droves, both morning and night; as much for the sermons as for confession; nowhere near the same fervor can be seen in the other parishes.
Leflon 2, p.123-124
“Every one can be a witness for Christ, not only with his lips but by his whole life. Every Christian ought to be a living martyr, who lives for the sake of his Master.” Sadhu Sundar Singh
So often as I read and learn about Eugene I am reminded of Jesus and of his apostles, his disciples and very often of St. Paul. “His way of life is truly a marvel and God sustains him only that He might work unbelievable wonders through him …” Having given his “all for God” has allowed Eugene the complete freedom letting God work through him, speak through him, touch and love through him. Such a man would naturally draw people to him – he was so very much “alive” that people, both men and women would be attracted to him, want to hear what he had to say and to follow where he led.
I love the quote from Sadhu Sundar Singh: “Every one can be a witness for Christ, not only with his lips but by his whole life. Every Christian ought to be a living martyr, who lives for the sake of his Master.” I actually looked up the word ‘martyr’ and learned that it comes from the Greek word meaning witness. To be a living witness, one who has given his/her all to God. I don’t think that we get there all at once, it is something that is ongoing, but it does happen. Letting go of everything, giving your all for God, being that witness, that martyr, that seems to be what we are all aiming for, or at least what I aim for.
Eugene, look what you have started, where you have inspired us to go, what you have inspired us to come to! I know that Eugene is not the only one, but he is the one who touches me, inspires me and invites me into a way of living.
I can never remember who said it – but (and I apologize for the paraphrase)
Spread the Good News of the Gospel
Use words if necessary.
Hello Anda. You will find the quotation in the entry of March 24, 2012.
Frank – I hope that you will forgive me for using this site to share a bit of information. I share this, only because todays writings led me to it. On the home page of under NEW I noticed that there is now available a link to the writings of J Leflon (Eugene de Mazenod, Bishop of Marseilles, Founder of The Oblates of Mary Immaculate 1782-1861). The link will take you to four pdf files which can be read or downloaded. If you love history or want to see the story around much of what Eugene did and what was happening politically and socially, then this reading offers much. For me it is hard to put down. Most likely all or most of you professed Oblates are aware of these and have read them, but to me this is an exciting find. So I offer this information to the Oblate Associates who may, or may not know of these documents (one more resource available to us to learn and share). And although they are long they are very easy to read and understand. Enjoy.