The Youth Congregation used to meet every Thursday and Sunday, but also on feast days. Here the Diary entry for Wednesday 2 November, All Souls Day, gives an idea of their activities of prayer, instruction and games.
We gathered at the usual time in the chapel to recite the Office of the Dead. After Matins, the Reverend Director said Holy Mass which was followed by Lauds.
We then withdrew, but as we passed through the courtyard we could not resist playing a few games of parties de barres [ed: a game of racing between two areas marked out with a line drawn on the ground]. In the evening we gathered after the parish liturgies, we entered the chapel for the reading and the decades of the rosary. We then played until 9 p.m. The games were interrupted only for the eating of chestnuts according to the immemorial custom of these parts.
The congregants were levied two sols per head, which came to a total too great to spend wholly on chestnuts. It was proposed to set aside a portion for the poor. The Reverend Director proposed another more profitable idea, which was adopted, namely, to deduct a sum for saying a Mass for the souls in purgatory. He will say this Mass, and as he never receives anything for himself by way of retribution, the money will remain for the poor.
Diary of the Aix Christian Youth Congregation, 2 November 1814, O.W. XVI