During the time of Napoleon, the formation of Christian youth sodalities was banned. Eugene’s gatherings with the youth were initially illegal and had to be disguised as a recreational youth group. With the end of the Napoleonic era, it was possible to exist openly as a sodality and Eugene had asked for Papal approval.   Once the formal approval from the Pope had been granted, it was possible to officially launch the Youth Congregation. Because it was dedicated to the Immaculate Conception, Eugene chose this feast (celebrated in Aix on 21 November) to do so. This text shows us that from the earliest times, consecration and the  Immaculate Conception played an important role in the life and ministry of Eugene.

This day, on which we celebrate in the diocese the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, has been chosen for the installation of the Congregation in conformity with the intention of the Holy Father, announced in his rescript of September 24 of the present year.
The feast was brilliant and everything contributed to make it a touching occasion. As the Very Rev. Vicar General was impeded by an indisposition that confined him at home from coming to celebrate the holy Mysteries and carry out the ceremony, the Rev. Director stood in for him. Before the Mass, he reminded all the assistants of the duties that the state of being a congregant brings with it and the advantages it procures, etc. During the talk, they renewed by acclamation their baptismal promises and consecration to the Blessed Virgin…
And this day has been all the more precious for those, almost all, who approached the holy Table and received the pledge of acceptance that Our Lord deigned to make of their offering and devotion. [… list of 8 names of those who were admitted to membership…]
All previously received members having today renewed their consecration, and their reception being legally in force only from today when it has been done in virtue of the pontifical rescript, they will date from this day their definitive entry into the Congregation and so as to conform to the regulation they will all sign the present minutes.
In the evening the Blessed Sacrament was exposed in the chapel of the Congregation and the solemnity ended with Benediction

Diary of the Aix Christian Youth Congregation, 21 November 1814, O.W. XVI

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