Respectful of God’s work in the young Marcou, Eugene promised him his support as he responded to God’s calling:
Now, just as much as I took precautions to let the Spirit of God act within you, under the direction of the extremely worthy men in whom you put your confidence,
just as much I will make haste to support your vocation since it leads you to a state still more perfect and which ought to assure you a greater recompense.
Letter to Jacques Marcou, November-December 1821, EO VI n 78
I thank my God every time I remember you, constantly praying with joy in every one of my prayers for all of you, because of your sharing in the Gospel from the first day until now. I am confident of this, that the one who began a good work among you will bring it to completion by the day of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 1:3
“To fall in love with God is the greatest of all romances;
To seek Him, the greatest adventure;
To find him, the greatest human achievement.” Augustine
This is love at it’s best, at it’s most holy. I find myself daily becoming more and more aware of Eugene’s incredible freedom to love that he lived as he gave his all to God and so to all of us then and now. And St. Paul whom I have long loved is another one. When I first met Eugene I remember thinking how alike he and St. Paul were. That love and life and incredible joy – it is almost tangible and I find myself rereading the words again and letting them become a part of me – savouring them because this is not just something that St. Eugene and St. Paul had but something that is shared by all of us if we but let it.
I would never in my wildest imagining and dreams have been able to envisage a love such as it is. Richard Rohr speaks of “of being ravished, seduced, of deep inner acceptance, total forgiveness, mutual nakedness, immense and endless gratitude, endless yearning, and always a desire and possibility of more”. And even then the words do not capture all of the flavor, the experience of what it is to be so loved and to love. It’s even more than that – for it’s shared – it’s not just between myself and God, it literally reaches out to touch and embrace those I meet. Not a conscious thing on my part, not something that I myself could initiate – it all comes from that deepest part of me that is God.
I am grateful for much this morning. To start the day with such love and joy is sheer gift, I want to make my day a celebration of that love and joy.