All the preparation that went into a parish mission usually ensured good results. The personal lifestyle of the Missionaries, their preparation of preaching material and evangelizing activities, their efforts to be living what they preached as a community etc. all paid off. Thus from the mission to the town of Rians, Eugene was able to rejoice at the fruits:
All is going well, not only has the mission produced its ordinary effects but dispositions are excellent. Several missions had been preached before, but that has not prevented us from coming across a great number of persons who had been untouched: 25, 30 and 40 years [ed. without coming to confession] is our experience every day.
Since you have prayed for me, I have doubled my energy and I have been able without undue strain to do all our great exhausting exercises.
Letter to Hippolyte Courtès, 9 December 1822, EO VI n.90
“At times our own light goes out and is rekindled by a spark from another person. Each of us has cause to think with deep gratitude of those who have lighted the flame within us.” Albert Schweitzer
God does so much give us what we need, in the prayers and love and support of those around us. And just as it did with Eugene and those missionaries in Aubagne, we find ourselves able to do what we have set out to do, been called to do. But there is more, for with this incredible love and support we find ourselves becoming freed-up, to seeing more, to becoming more, to moving forward to and with the ever new around us. Those little flames within and without all coming together to become an incredible fire that lights and feeds and calls forth new life.
The absolute wonder of it all. I find myself this morning filled with gratitude and awe. I find myself this morning singing the Magnificat (well the beginning of it). I find myself this morning experiencing incredible joy and delight with God in those around me, those I love (far and near for they now make up a part of my heart). Those tiny sparks that Albert Schweitzer spoke of, those ribbons of flames in the image created by Frank and shared on retreat – we become forever changed because of them.
And holy, holy, holy is his name.