Writing from Nice:
I have already a priest who is willing to join but perhaps they will give him grudgingly as he is the director of the seminary; he is an angel of virtue and a charming man.
Letter to Henri Tempier, 7 July 1824, EO VI n145
This man was Charles-Dominique Albini, of whom Angelo Capuano writes: In July 1823, he was appointed to teach moral theology in the major seminary of Nice. He did not limit his activity to teaching, however, but gladly did priestly ministry in the city’s cathedral. It was when he was helping the parish priest conduct a retreat for ex-prisoners and misfits in July 1824 that he met Fathers de Mazenod and Suzanne: the latter had been called in to preach this retreat. Father Albini was struck by their apostolic zeal, by the missionary ideal which animated them, by their fraternal relationship. From this he began to entertain the idea of living in a religious community. At the end of the retreat, he decided to join the recently founded Society of the Missionaries of Provence… On July 17th he began his novitiate. “Albini, Charles Dominique” in the Oblate Historical Dictionary http://www.omiworld.org/dictionary.asp?v=5&vol=1&let=A&ID=536
After his death, Eugene began to work towards introducing thecause for his canonization
Our present Rule of Life says: The Postulator General, in accordance with the mind of the Superior General, diffuses a wider knowledge of Oblates who have enriched the Congregation’s history with an outstanding witness of their holiness; and he especially promotes, according to the Church’s common law, the causes of those who are a special source of inspiration not only for the Congregation but for the whole Church.
CC&RR, Rule 149c
“The fragrance of flowers spreads only in the direction of the wind. But the goodness of a person spreads in all directions.” Chanakya
I keep thinking how the word seemed to spread so quickly about St. Eugene and his missionaries because of their goodness. In a time when there were letters of course, but no automobiles, no telephones, no emails or social media as we know it. They say that bad news travels fast, I think that the good news travelled even faster. Here we have a man who has already “answered God’s call” and by all indications whose life was already full. But he did not stop himself from being open to more. Meeting with Fr. de Mazenod and Suzanne must have been pretty incredible for Charles-Dominique Albini to say yes I want to join this community. I thought that at this time Eugene was busy in Marseille and not going out and preaching missions. I find it amazing that after Albini died that Eugene started to work on the cause for his canonization. What happened with that? Who is the Postulator General for the Oblates now? A lot of questions this morning.
I wonder if Eugene knew the full effect that he had on people, that they had on people. He most likely didn’t have a whole lot of time to dwell on that, but I imagine that if he did stop to notice he probably gave thanks and continued on with whatever it was that he was doing. But certainly the goodness of their lives, their giving of all for God was noticed.
This morning I think of the many wonderful men and women whom I have met, whose very goodness changed my life, helped shape who I am. All I would dare to say saints in their own ways. How do we celebrate them, how do I celebrate them? I think this morning of one Oblate who has taught or perhaps inspired me to celebrate the goodness of the Oblates and others around me my own small community here. Not just a few who because of their personality, stand out above the others, but the quiet unassuming ones who seem to have lived ordinary lives, who very ordinariness was/is gift. They bring me joy as I think about them. I am thinking of the Kays and Janes in my life, the Toms, Jims, Annes, Bills, the Eugenes and the Kerans. I hope one day to join their ranks, but in the meantime I will celebrate them for their goodness to spreads out to touch the world.
it is not our institutions that bring forth vocations
it is the witness of our charity and zeal and our real presence with
those who are on the fringe. Yes the fringe, the image Francis spoke of
when telling the diocesan priest to get out of their palaces and stop smell
like perfume but be with the people and smell like the sweat upon their brow.
Is this not the same call that we are hearing now as we look at God’s ministries
and our presence?
From Vatican Radio: Leadership in the future, cheque it out