On the first page of his study notes at the seminary, Eugene wrote a dedication:
To the greater glory of God and of the Immaculate Virgin. Under the patronage of this Virgin, conceived without sin… so that for these and before them the Immaculate Mother may help me in this difficult course of studies
(Ad maiorem Dei Laudem et gloriam, necnon Beatae Virginis Immaculatae. Sub auspiciis eiusdem Virginis sine labe originali conceptae […] ut isti et prae istis Mater Immaculata praesto mihi sint in difficili studiorum curriculo.)
Traité de la pénitence, Ms. Oblate General Archives, DM-III 8a
As Mary reflected on and learnt from the presence of Jesus in her life, so too did Eugene want to have this same attitude in his seminary studies.
“Mary’s faith as a journey. The Council says that Mary ‘advanced in her pilgrimage of faith’. In this way she precedes us on this pilgrimage, she accompanies and sustains us. … Her entire life was to follow her Son: He – Jesus – is the way, He is the path! To press forward in faith, to advance in the spiritual pilgrimage which is faith, is nothing other than to follow Jesus; to listen to Him and be guided by His words; to see how He acts and to follow in His footsteps; to have His same sentiments.” Pope Francis
“I did it my way.” The title line from the song that Frank Sinatra sang. That is the thought that came to me this morning as I pondered on Eugene’s dedication in his notebook, on another facet of his giving his all. I wasn’t able of course to do it my way – but I tried! There it was; a glimpse of my ego at work. I think, I must admit that although it was not a conscious decision, I really did try to do it my way, for much of my life, no matter what it was; staying sober and clean, work relationships, prayer. God loved me so much that I didn’t need to rely on a saint or saints, and Our Lady, well even my ego could not quite treat her that way and so she was conveniently put aside, I was going to do it myself. Much like a small child learning to master a game, an activity. There is that time when they don’t want any help, they don’t need any help, they can do it on their own. And so often they need that help, guidance, they cannot do it on their own. They cannot do it on their own. I could not do it on my own, I cannot do by myself.
I think of the true humility of Mary. I think of the humility and faith of Eugene. Have I ever entrusted anything so completely to another? A loaded question but if I am very honest….. I think of the act of consecration I made this past weekend, to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. It cannot be a one-time event, saying it once and then forgetting about it and expecting Mary to handle it all from there on – you sort of like do it for me. Perhaps a daily renewal to keep it in my consciousness, to say before my rosary, to make it intentional and real and not just something I can say I did once.
O Immaculate Heart of Mary, Queen of heaven and earth, teach me how to allow the Heart of Jesus to rule and triumph in me and around me, as it has ruled and triumphed in you.