The missionaries did not go out as freelance agents to do their own thing. Their missionary activity was as part of the thrust of the local church and it was done in communion with the Church. In a tangible way, the missionaries went to the local Bishop to ask his blessing and to fulfill their missionary task in union with him as the Pastor of the local church.
If they did not go the preceding evening to visit the Archbishop or the diocesan bishop, they will go ask for his blessing, which they will receive on their knees.
1818 Rule Chapter Two §2
The members of this Society will work under the authority of the Ordinaries [ed the local bishop], on whom they will always depend, to provide spiritual aid to the poor people scattered in the countryside and to the inhabitants of the small rural villages most deprived of spiritual help. They will supply to these needs by missions, the teaching of catechism, retreats or other spiritual exercises.
1818 Rule Chapter One, §1 article 2
Our missionary vocation was born when Eugene became aware of the suffering of the post-Revolution Church, and consecrated his life to serving the abandoned by teaching them their dignity and responsibilities as members of the Body of Christ.
For two hundred years the members of the Mazenodian family have continued this thrust as is shown in the first article of our present Constitutions and Rules:
The call of Jesus Christ, heard within the Church through people’s need for salvation, draws us together as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate. (Constitution 1)
The very first article from the Consitution – incredibly powerful , inviting, intimate and beckoning. The very words themselves “The call of Jesus Christ” – at times incredibly painful, but on a deeper level, one which so profoundly and overwhelmingly invites that center, that core of our very being to respond. Just the words themselves have the power to make us stop and ponder and thank our God. And then later “…. draws us together as Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate.” The gift of that incredible call to love, with Jesus, as co-redeemers with Him – draws us together- because alone we could never do it, without each other it would not be possible, but with Him, with each other – yes! I am reminded of the shepherd – drawing his sheep together, keeping them safe, showing – guiding them where to go. We have been given much.