There is no activity that is too lowly in our service of the Kingdom of God – no matter how gifted or intellectual or important we may consider ourselves.
A superior cannot be tied down by any conditions. He might need someone to answer the door or to sweep up and that person must then be convinced that he is more agreeable to God answering the door and sweeping up than he would be if on his own account he were to preach or hear confessions. St. Anthony of Padua spent many years in the kitchen without thinking of complaining.
There is no serving the good God without renunciation.
To Jean Baptiste Mille, 30 May 1832, EO VIII n 423
Last night I watched a recorded interview/documentary of 60 Minutes with Pope Francis as he spoke candidly before the cameras – a short but powerful insight into this holy man. There was a short clip of him greeting Benedict and for a brief instant I was aware of the magnificence of God’s works. In that instant I caught a glimpse of the special graces given to the Holy Father so that he could serve specific needs within the Church – right now. I then looked and thought of St. Eugene de Mazenod (full name for this) who also received distinct and special graces so that he too could serve the needs of the Church, and of course Fr. Louis Lougen, and our Provincial, and our Superiors and further, to each of us, myself included – each of us put here for something quite specific even if we do not know what that is, even if we do not recognize that within ourselves.
All of them having to renounce something(s). What do I need to renounce Lord – it has to be more than just words, it has to go deeper, to sear my soul like a brand. Soul deep. Scary. Yet I do not want to turn away.
David N. Power’s book, Love Without Calculation, comes to mind. Also, John the Baptist’s “I must decrease; He must increase.” A challenge in this day and age!
We are so conditioned to be the best, and know that we are the best, that it often becomes a mantra to accept that as the best we are better than others. Humility is not my strong suit either. Sigh