Reflecting on this self-presentation has shown me a flesh-and-blood saint – a person who, because of and even despite himself, was a powerful channel for the grace of God for others. His struggles to reconcile seemingly opposite aspects of his character found their strength in his relationship with Jesus the Saviour. He was able to proclaim Evangelizare pauperibus misit me – pauperes evangelizantur– precisely because he experienced the Saviour in his own poverty and in his own internal and external struggles. His life was thus dedicated to bringing others to his same experience of salvation.

I learn a lot from Eugene and am convinced that by getting to know him better and presenting him in a less “plaster-statue” way, people can find him an attractive model for being transformed by and following the Saviour by living and acting according to the values of His Kingdom.

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    What a gift is this place. To be able to come here to read and listen, to Eugene, to Frank, to others who might have the courage to share themselves in this way, and even to myself. It becomes a daily time of deepening and discovery.

    Frank has written “I learn a lot from Eugene and am convinced that by getting to know him better and presenting him in a less “plaster-statue” way, people can find him an attractive model for being transformed by and following the Saviour by living and acting according to the values of His Kingdom.” I echo his expressions and even though some of the words seem to sit uncomfortably on my tongue I find myself compelled to say them, perhaps more hesitantly, more softly, a little fearfully and perhaps shyly.

    Today I step out with a small sense of wonder and a great deal of gratitude. Because of the very realness of St. Eugene, because of his humanness and ‘non-perfection’ I take him with me, my model in how I will try to live out this awesome love with which God fills me. His spirit lives on in his Oblates, in his family and I am blessed doubly in being able to learn from and with them.

    Eugene is an attractive model. He is a wildly attractive model, one of those you either really like or can’t stand. Compelling and vivid. His very spirit lives on in his sons, and his daughters. Thank you God for this day, for this incredible life, for Eugene and all who walk in his footsteps.

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