The value of example speaking louder than words was stressed to Tempier when the missionaries had gone to help the inhabitants of a neighbouring village to put out a fire:
If only I had been with you on the day of your noble behaviour at Saint-Etienne. From here, I behold you in the midst of the flames giving aid everywhere and intelligently, which must have saved a great number of persons. I am not surprised that people do not cease to speak of this splendid devotedness.
Four missionaries engaged in such an exercise of charity preach better still than in the pulpit, at least they are better understood.
Letter to Henri Tempier, 29 June 1819, O.W. VI, n. 45
This is so Oblate being with the people in the midst of tradgidy and disaster.
In New Orleans, Haiti, Sri Lanka, Congo, etc. What is stricking in the founders praise and attention in this situation. I think this is an important reflection for “surperiors” in our communinity in relationship to the others. Do we, do I know how to give praise and recognition to my brothers and those in the Oblate Family? Teach me St. Eugene.