Father Fabre’s first circular letter to the Oblates after the General Chapter which elected him to be Eugene’s successor contains the invitation:
Let us be united in spirit and in heart
and we will be strong for doing what is good;
let us be united in the memory of a Father
forever beloved”
As we give thanks for the foundation of the Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate, and subsequently the Mazenodian Family, 204 years ago, these words are as pertinent as ever for us.
If we allow the presence and spirit of Eugene to be our source of strength and unity, then surely our bonds of charity and our missionary zeal will have no boundaries.
Today is Thanksgiving Day in Canada, although many if not most of us celebrated it yesterday as we prayed, came together in our churches; then shared a meal and our stories. Giving thanks.
Yesterday I was keenly aware of what it is to give thanks. Imagine giving thanks for being in the midst of a pandemic. It has given life to how Eugene and his founding community would go out during the epidemics to help and to serve those who were sick and dying; “…we will be strong for doing what is good.”
I think of how artists have used the image of many faces arranged in such a way as to create the face of one – in this instance of St. Eugene de Mazenod alive today within and with each of us. That image changes as I imagine all of us being like different coloured threads of life; coming together and being a part of a magnificent tapestry. Like a huge and magnificent tapestry woven out of the lives of all of us who share in Eugene’s spirit – the Mazenodian Family giving light to the other.
I give thanks this morning for all who God has brought into my life; for all who invite and remind mes that we are united in the memory of St. Eugene who is our founder, our father, our friend… forever beloved.