Writing to his missionaries who had become disheartened as a result of criticism in Brignoles, Eugene rebuilds their courage by reminding them of the heart of mission:
I suggest that you readopt attitudes befitting the dignity of your great ministry. You were not sent to Brignoles to court the applause either of the Pastor or the priests, or of the town’s upper class. You have been sent to convert souls by virtue of the grace of Jesus Christ which has never been lacking, unless you relied more on your own efforts than on his power.
Letter to Jean Magnan, 8 March 1844, O.W. X, n. 836.
“unless you relied more on your own effort than on his power”
What spiritual leadings and guides are saying today is no different that in times past. Now we use the word, “ego” and self, self centred. The truth remains the same, “it is not about me”, but Christ dwelling in and working through me.