Joseph Fabre, who was elected to be Eugene’s successor, concluded the Chapter of 1861 by saying:

“I feel the assistance of our much loved Founder; he has not left us!
I was at his deathbed and said to him, “You will always be among us.” “Yes,” he replied, and he has kept his promise.
He remains among us through the Holy Rule which he had left us, and which is the expression of his love for God and the salvation of souls: it is the glorious testament of his enormous heart, and in observing it we will find all our strength.”
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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    I am not sure why I chose this reading today – for it is not about Christmas and the Incarnation and yet it is.

    Advent had been good for me, but as Christmas approached I found myself giving in to my old fears and allowing them to take charge. I had started out asking God that I might learn to receive as did Mary; “let it be done unto me…” This last week I found myself ill and unable to do much but rest and pray and listen. So I listened to the tapes of a recent retreat, slowly, prayerfully, reflectively, with no distractions of tv or friends or work. I got up as I had to and could, went to buy groceries as needed and applied myself as I was able to the retreat. (It has been hard and at times painful for I have needed to do much letting go and I have been hearing some of it I swear for the first time, and with new ears.) It has been slow going and am not yet finished, but I find that it has been a gift of immeasureable value. I am exactly where I am supposed to be. I have been given so much, and God has given me a way to receive it.

    Last night, at a small intimate candle-lit midnight Mass, I found myself joining in with the others singing the traditional carols. I sang quietly but with great joy, celebrating God, celebrating the greatest gift of Incarnation, a baby in a manger some 2000 years ago, living on today. Richard Rohr wrote today; “If there is one true moment of full Incarnation, then why not Incarnation everywhere?” (That alone is enough to spend a life time of reflection on.) It simply reminded me of all that I have been taking in and making mine, about Eugene and his spirit, his charism, how he enfleshed, with his all for God, the connection within each of us, our being one with our God and so each other.

    So to Eugene, to all who have no one to hear this from, and to you all, I wish and pray that you have a very Holy and Blessed Christmas. I ask that it be full of quiet and exhuberant joys and with feeling the connections of then and now. For with God enfleshed within us we are all one.

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