Father Fabre’s first circular letter to the Oblates after the General Chapter which elected him to be Eugene’s successor contains the invitation:

“Let us be united in spirit and in heart
and we will be strong for doing what is good;

let us be united in the memory of a Father

forever beloved

As we begin the 150th year of the death of our Father and Founder, these words are as pertinent as ever for us. If as a Congregation we allow the presence and memory of Eugene to be our source of strength and unity, then surely our bonds of charity and our missionary zeal will have no boundaries. Saint Eugene, pray for us and accompany us as we live your charism.

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    This is not what I “wanted” to speak of today, or to share. Rather I wanted to share of the wonderful Christmas Day I spent with at Springhurst, preparing a dinner for some of my beloved Oblates. Oops – looks like I managed to at least say a little of what I wanted.

    Today am struck so much by this one short posting which seems to say it all to me. Leading up to Christmas I have spent my time almost in a private monastic retreat if I can call it that, listening and reflecting. It was rich and I will take it up tomorrow and Friday to finish it. But what has been written here over 150 years ago – 1 1/2 years ago, today in my hear, still lives and holds truth. I find it agrees and ties in with what Richard Rohr wrote for today . Such truth – this is how we see that it is of God and not just our own small selves.

    Today is truly a day to look at all that God has given us and to let our hearts well up with joyous gratitude. So I dare to repeat what Father Fabre wrote: “Let us be united in spirit and in heart and we will be strong for doing what is good; let us be united in the memory of a Father forever beloved”. Let it be not just a passing thought, but rather we take the time to say it aloud and then take a couple of moments to simply drink it in and taste it, savour it, let it fill us.

    And I do the same with the short lines of reflection from Frank which read “If as [members of this great Mazenodian Family] we allow the presence and memory of Eugene to be our source of strength and unity, then surely our bonds of charity and our missionary zeal will have no boundaries. Saint Eugene, pray for us and accompany us as we live your charism.” I dare to change a couple of Franks words so as to include all of us who are in this together. This small prayer is so perfect as we continue through our holidays, looking towards the new year coming.

    It seems that God’s blessings and the gift of Christmas just continues – we don’t even need to go seek it out – it is all here before us.

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