So, Monseigneur, if I am to tell you my whole mind with the frankness that is well suited to a bishop, I think you were well inspired to settle the Oblates in your diocese in order to confide to them the missions and other works of zeal embraced by their Institute. I dare to assure you of their devotedness and their constant cooperation in all kinds of good works that your pastoral solicitude will prompt them to undertake.

Letter to Bishop Phelan, Coadjutor Bishop of Kingston, 8 August 1844, EO I n 44

As our understanding and appreciation of the Mazenodian Family increases, so too does this question become more pertinent: to deepen our spirituality and mission in accordance with the God-given charism of St. Eugene that draws us all together.

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    I think of how St. Paul went about preaching the Good News as he was sent to various peoples. His letters are a testament of how he spoke to and addressed the different peoples according to their milieu and cultures, their various states of life.

    How do we learn? How do we receive? Who are we and who are you? The questions asked by Eugene and his sons and daughters so that they themselves can learn to share with us. And it is this model which we adopt as we ourselves are sent to further the kingdom of God.

    One size does not fit all.

    The Synodal Journey that we are taking part in throughout the world seems to be asking the same questions. The bishops are asking what works for us? What gives us life in our local churches? What more can be offered and what are our dreams and where do we want them to take us?

    This is what Eugene’s missionaries did as they entered the towns and villages, entered the homes of the people that they would be preaching to and walking with. This is how the Oblates have taught me, how they have journeyed with me and how I now turn to walk and journey with others who would wish to join our Mazenodian Family.

    It is not just about how the message is received, but also the spirit in how it is shared.

    Oblation seems to be a lot more encompassing than it did at first glance.

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