Bishop Bourget had warmly welcomed the Oblates to his diocese three years earlier. We have seen, while reflecting on the earlier correspondence, that internal difficulties had arisen between the Oblates themselves. Despite this, their pastoral zeal had produced abundant fruit among the people.
How can I do otherwise than always begin by expressing to you my sentiments of liveliest gratitude and of tender friendship when you never cease giving me proofs of your paternal kindness for the children I have placed in your heart. I am filled with grief because, in spite of their goodwill, they may have often given you concern. Seek the cause of my mortification over this affair in a combination of circumstances which affected the first contingent.
Now, Eugene had sent Father Guigues to take matters in hand. Reflecting on this experience, Eugene saw the hand of God in all the events.
If there had been available to me then the person I have just sent to you, things would have been better but the good God did not grant this. He apparently willed that we pass through this humiliation and show that to Him alone, in spite of the imperfections of men, is due the success of an enterprise which is to procure His glory and the good of so many souls redeemed by the blood of his Divine Son. After God, to you, dear Monseigneur, goes all the merit of this great work.
Letter to Bishop Bourget of Montreal, 9 August 1844, EO I n 45
Here Eugene succinctly sums up the heart of our charism: the salvation of souls redeemed by the blood of the Savior. This is the reason for the existence of the Mazenodian Family: to bring the most abandoned to know the love and ongoing care of the Savior who gave everything for them on the Cross.” Evangelizare pauperibus misit me.” Each of us is called to share our experience of salvation in word and in actions – despite our imperfections and mistakes. God assures the success.
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“Evangelizare pauperibus misit me.” We are sent to preach the Good News to the poor. As Frank notes “the reason for our existence as a Mazenodian Family.
I look at our Mazenodian Family, and how we are called to be “in relationship with”… It is not just our personal selves and God that this charism, this gift of the Holy Spirit that has been shared with: it is the community that we walk and work with, the community that we “be” with.
I think of the Synodal Journey that the Church has invited the people of God to be a part of. The only way that it can actually happen is with all of us – it is not just for the laity but for all the people of God, no matter our roles, our various states of life, our standing in the Church or outside of her doors. We are asked to be a part of a greater whole and to find a way to learn to walk together, to pray, discern and listen to each other. All together to bring about the one Kingdom of God.
This morning’s words from St. Eugene has shown us how we can do this as members of this Mazenodian Family and how we work with others. None of us is asked to “do it on our own”. None of us are charged with being perfect. But we are called to become one together so that we can live out our oblation as we have been called. That charism, that gift of the Spirit can be found as it is expressed in the Oblate Rule of Life is for all of us who are called to walk together in mutual love, respect and forgiveness. This is how we live out the gift of ourselves to God; this is what our oblation looks like.