Helping people to become “Human, Christian, Saints” was the Oblate ideal. Eugene thus stressed the human foundations necessary to achieve this.
But I see that in everything we have to start again from the beginning with the very first principles of spiritual life. I implore you to demand also that they be polite, honest and kind. Do not permit any rudeness. Let them get used to bearing up with one another. Deal severely with any kind of murmur, and let charity reign among us to such an extent that it isn’t even possible for anyone to fail in it in the slightest manner.
Applying this to the scholastics in training to be missionaries:
In a word, let our training be manly, serious and totally saintly. It is a question of forming persons who are to be imbued with the spirit of Jesus Christ capable of fighting the enormous power of the devil, of destroying his reign among people, of building up the world so as to bring it to the truth and of serving the Church in the most lofty and difficult apostolate.
Is it possible to achieve these results with those who are not generous, who have no courage, are lacking in love and have fallen into a rut? When does a person entertain such sentiments if he does not have them during the period of fervour?
Letter to Father Charles Bellon, 30 August 1844, EO X n 853
An invitation to all of us to renew our efforts to be imbued with the Spirit of Jesus in our daily lives and activities.
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With the discovery of the graves of some of the children who died at the Indian Residential Schools made the news, there was outrage and anger. In our Oblate parish we had some who walked away because of the part that some of the Oblates had played in those schools. I remember one day as I was on my way to Mass, I got off of the bus at my usual stop. A very vocal and angry man swore as he approached and tried to grab my small Oblate cross. It scared me and for a couple of weeks I simply tucked my cross under my shirt or top as I was leaving my house. I did it without thinking until my pastor remarked on it one day. And while I told him why I had begun it, I also realised that how easily I had changed something that was so personal to me and was like my breathing in and my breathing out.
After that day I once again wore my cross outside my clothing and simply used a different bus stop. Something so small reminded me of my own weaknesses and more: I realized that those who saw me each day, also noticed my beautiful little cross which was/is a symbol of life over death, of a love so great that it was foundational within me.
After two years of living through a pandemic I have become used to putting on a mask as I step outside my apartment door and to wear it wherever I am going because it is not just important for my health and state of being but also for the other(s) who I meet.
Coming here each morning is one way of renewing my efforts to remain imbued with the Spirit of Jesus in my daily life. Human, Christian, Saint…