In continuing to try to convince his mother of the value of his vocation, Eugene uses the idea of the co-operator of the Saviour’s whole ministry being worthwhile even if he only brings one person to know salvation. He then shows his mother how her “sacrifice” of her son will be beneficial for her own salvation.

Dear mother, if you really grasped a great truth, that souls ransomed by the Man-God’s blood are so precious that, even if every human being, past, present and to come, were to spend, to save just one single one, everything they have by way of talents, wealth and life, it would still be time well, nay admirably well spent, then far from lamenting that your son is consecrating himself to this divine ministry, you would be forever blessing God because, in his mercy, he has graciously willed to call me to so high an honour by a vocation which so obviously comes from Him. 
So dismiss all the thoughts and anxieties that are plaguing you as being temptations of the evil spirit: that is what they are; that implacable enemy of all that is good cannot bear to see the holy religion of J.C., which he is always trying with renewed fury to make more odious and despicable, rise again one day in the hearts of many by the quality of the individual who devotes himself to its service. 
By submitting yourself joyfully to the designs Providence has over me, you will have a share in all the good I hope to accomplish one day by God’s grace; and, on the day of judgment, you will be able to say with confidence to the Sovereign Judge: yes, it is true, I have offended you, but I gave you a son you kindly wanted for your service to save a large number of souls who without him would have cursed you eternally in hell; so place, in the balance of my good works, the sacrifice I made you of my only son, a willing sacrifice or at least one made with truly Christian resignation and which, for that reason, must count in my favour.

Letter to Madame de Mazenod, 11 October 1809, O.W. XIV n. 61


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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Oblate Associate says:

    I have never wanted to ‘save souls’ exactly – really no thought of that at all. But I have wanted to love. I have wanted to give myself totally in perfect (using the vernacular of Eugene), most perfect love to God and then to others. I want to share all of the great love that God so fills me with, to give it all to others. If I can touch but one other person so that they too know the love of God, it will be enough.

    And I know that I can never run out of it, for as fast as I imitate my God and give it away I seem to receive more. I can only liken it to waters flowing from a spring in the earth, being then drunk by someone and those waters then become a part of that person, a living part of that living body, transforming it. And when this life, this love meets itself in another it is like the heavens opening up and celebrating.

    Is that a part of salvation, I guess maybe you could call it that. For Eugene it is very direct, it is salvation that he speaks of, at the base of it though it is love, the transforming that comes from love. I think then when Eugene said his yes the heavens opened up that day and celebrated life with him, just as they did with me when I said yes to God to live as he as asked of me. It is not something to be measured, simply celebrated and lived.

    I think that there has been a certain amount of measuring, comparing and measuring with me, perhaps not consciously but it was there, arising out of my needs and struggles, of what I know of life, It is that which wants to tear down what God has so intricately created. Such a waste of time really. Yes Eugene I celebrate you the man, you the priest, all that you were. Like you, I am where God has put me, the joy of that is immense, as is the struggle and pain of it.

    God give me the grace today to simply love as you love, to be exactly as you have created me to be, It is in that I will take my part in the salvation of myself and of any others you touch through me.

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