In sending Oblates into a new diocese, Eugene insisted that their spirit and charism be understood and respected.
… May it please God that in the diocese of Nancy, as you lead me to hope for the future, people will be able to understand the excellence of the vocation that dedicates a person to the glory of God, to the service of the Church in its most difficult duties, and to the salvation of the most abandoned souls.
Letter to M. Marguet, Vicar General of Nancy, France, 15 June 1847, EO XIII n 111
Eugene’s clarity about the excellence of our vocation, and his insistence that it be properly understood, continues to be lived today in the vocation of each of our Mazenodian Family members. Our vocation is the love of God expressed in the Church with a special predilection for the most abandoned.
“Many people mistake our work for our vocation. Our vocation is the love of Jesus.” (Mother Teresa)
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Had Eugene not insisted that the spirit and charism of the Oblates that he was sending out, then I doubt that we as a Mazenodian Family would still be in existence today, at least in North America. Our vocation is not given to us by the local bishops where we reside; rather our vocation is given to us by God – it is God who calls us – it is God who continues to breathe life into us…
It is not about if we work for a living or volunteer, our vocation becomes centered on sharing our experience of God with those that we meet, according to how we have been called – and for us members of the Mazenodian Family we serve with a bias for those who have been rejected and abandoned by the world. And if we as a family see the world through the eyes of our crucified Saviour then that is how we will lovingly serve God, the Church, and all those that the Spirit leads and introduces us to – it is about love…
It is in this way that we make and live our oblation – be it serving in the role of a religious or as lay persons, single or married…
This who God has created us to be and there is a contentment and joy within us when we are able to live as we have been called… it is here that we recognize and discover our belonging…