The first group of missionaries, temporarily under the leadership of Fr Courtès, arrived in Limoges in early November. To prepare the bishop for this, Eugene wrote to him to make the mission of the Oblates very clear.
Your Lordship will allow me to make an observation in regard to what you tell me that at Limoges you need not only virtue but also talent among our Missionaries. I agree if it is a question of talent suited to the ministry that our Missionaries must fulfill.
They are called to evangelize the poor and work for the salvation of the most abandoned souls.
To fulfill this ministry appropriately, they must first of all possess virtue and then talent in accord with the needs of those whom they are to lead back to God. That is all we must require.
Letter to Bishop Buissas of Limoges, 24 October 1847, EO XIII n 118
This letter stresses the heart of the Mazenodian charism: be in relationship with God and live a virtuous life so as to be able to lead the most abandoned to that same relationship. It is the witness of our lives that evangelizes.
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Reflecting on Eugene’s letter this morning I become aware of the incredible balance of all of creation… Just as the universe is created with a quite specific order and balance; it is the same with all living creatures, elements and the planets themselves. . My words are unable to reflect the magnitude of how our very beings interact and flow with other beings,. I find myself entering into a new flow of harmony and balance… I am filled wonder and light…
We are created as unique beings and that in itself is nothing short of miraculous, for who among us could order such rightness and beauty? Each are given are given a particular spirit and gift from the Creator him/herself. And while I myself feel invited and called to be and live as a member of the Oblate/Mazenodian Family there is a constant flow and connectedness with the Franciscan Family, the Jesuit Family, the Redemptorists and the Grey Nuns of Pembroke, Las Oblatas… There are others who are called to share the spirit of each other and coming together o form new life…
This past week I was given a new dining room table that is larger than my first little table and it can expand further. I was filled with joy as I shared with my neighbours of how I would now be able to share meals with them in my apartment, and how I could once again put together large Jigsaw Puzzles. Bringing together pieces of different shapes, colours and size – all to form a larger image. There is one on my table which is two thirds connected… And I will later sit with it, finding more pieces that go together (there are 1000 pieces) and I am filled with wonder and gratitude as I sit with God for minutes and we are together as we work at it off and on.
I find myself with tears wetting my cheeks as I sit here with all of you, for the joy and gratitude at being able to experience the wonder of God and my brothers and sisters. Pieces cut into shapes, sizes and colour – blended as I try to sew my own experiences with those whom I meet and love – each of us connected and blended with each other. Each of blended together yet still unique as we find ourselves created in yet another image of the wholeness and balance of life with and in and through each other…