Alerted that the angry citizens, furious with the result of the elections, which they attribute to the influence of the bishop and of the clergy, are to come tonight to smash the windows of the episcopal residence and to insult me. I will not leave my residence for this and I am ready and waiting.

Eugene de Mazenod’s Diary, 27 April 1848, EO XXI

The next day he wrote:

God has just saved us from a great misfortune. It was something quite different from breaking windows that the scoundrels under the orders of certain agitators had in mind.

The plot, which has now been uncovered, was to set fire to the port and the bishop’s palace, and while help was on the way, the conspirators intended first to plunder the Pawnbrokers’ Shop and then the whole town. Theft and murder would have accompanied this horrible disorder. The conspirators had gathered in a house located in the crossroads parallel to the Avenue des Capucines. It was there that the National Guard, who had already arrested some of those on their way to the appointment, seized a large number who were armed to the teeth and equipped with incendiary torches. The newspapers are full of details of this atrocious conspiracy

Eugene de Mazenod’s Diary, 28 April 1848, EO XXI


“What has violence ever accomplished? What has it ever created? No martyr’s cause has ever been stilled by an assassin’s bullet. No wrongs have ever been righted by riots and civil disorders. A sniper is only a coward, not a hero; and an uncontrolled or uncontrollable mob is only the voice of madness, not the voice of the people.” (Robert Kennedy)

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate says:

    It is sad that we can so easily resort to violence just to try and make ourselves feel better. The truth is we never feel better no matter how many we strike down, robbing them of life, their personhood and any dignity they carried.

    Yesterday I was told about the behaviour of another(s) that was toxic, as insidious and deadly both to the instigator, but also to those who took part in it, even when they remained silent… Some of it was directed at me as being less than worthy…
    Whether it be lived out because of elections or something else we do not like or who we decide is not worthy of dignity and respect, violence of any type only kills us. I know intimately of that way of being (even though it might only be in thought) deadens our very selves.

    It is in this way that we pray to God – not just for “those over there”, but for ourselves; in truth those small little moments of arrogance create small cracks aimed at another’s heart only sheds light on the darkness within ourselves.

    Tomorrow is the Feast of the Approval of the Congregation and its Constitutions and Rules which took place in 1826 by Pope Leo XII. In light of our Feast Day tomorrow two of us Oblate Associates will renew our commitment for another three years with some of the Oblate priests and brothers as they renew their vows. The Spirit’s timing is everything!

    Allow me to offer all the members of this Oblate/Mazenodian Family very Happy and Blessed Feast Day!

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