The Bishop of Algiers did not understand the particular charismatic mission of the Oblates. Worried about the situation in which the Oblates found themselves, Eugene encouraged them again a few days later.

Keep me in touch with everything, calmly and without getting worried or discouraged. We shall see how the Bishop will reply to my letter. On your side, act with a good deal of moderation and respect towards the Bishop, while still trying to make him understand that it is absolutely essential for your chapel to be open to the public, in order for you to exercise your ministry which is to preach, to instruct and to confess.

… God’s work must always face difficulties. It is true, though, that this ought not to come from the sort of opposition we are faced with today. Tell me about everything and everyone.

Letter to Fr Jean Viala in Algeria, 9 March 1849, EO IV(Africa) n 7


The mission of our Oblate Charismatic Family must always be focused on proclaiming and witnessing to who is Jesus Christ is to the most abandoned. We need courage to act “out of the box” if necessary.

“If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.” Thomas Aquinas

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate Associate says:

    I think of the immense courage, daring, humility and trust that it took for not only the first communities of Christians, but also for Eugene and his own early community who were inspired to be modern apostles.

    It was no easier for Eugene and his sons and daughters as they “stepped out of the box” so as to love and care for those, those left untouched by the structures of the Church in France and around the world.

    Today as sons and daughters of Eugene we are called and invited to step out of the many boxes we are told that we belong in. We dare to live a life of Oblation as we “share in the charism in a spirit of communion and reciprocity”. Our aim is not to play the of others but rather to work with them.

    For those of us who want to live a life of Oblation along side of the Oblates as we walk and work together: we “share in the charism in a spirit of communion and reciprocity” among ourselves and with the Oblates.

    Our Mission is clearly laid out for all of us in the first 10 Constitutions which state the Mission of the Oblate Rule of Life.

    Our call
    To live Christ Jesus
    In apostolic community
    To live Christ Jesus crucified
    Among the most abandoned
    In the Church
    Proclaiming the Word
    As prophets of the new world
    With Mary Immaculate

    Do we walk away like the young man in the gospels who had many belongings
    Do we dare?

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