The Founder longed to receive letters from the Oblates around the world narrating their missionary experiences.

Yet what a lot of things you could tell me about the neighbourhood of St. Pierre and the ministry which you exercise amongst these people who need you so much! But you persist in writing me very infrequently and even then you take the precaution of choosing a small format which contains very few lines and so you always leave me hungering for more.

While asking them to write at length he explained that he could not write long letters because he was pulled in all directions in his diocese and in the government of the Oblates, who were now in four continents.

Do not follow my example. I am the man who acts least of all according to his own will. I am everybody’s servant and my masters abuse their position to the extent of leaving me no time to do anything. So when I would want to write you at length, I am prevented from doing so by force majeure. Besides, I have to write to so many people! My duty-bound correspondence extends as you know to the four quarters of the world. Be a little more generous then to your old father; be mindful of his goodwill and do not expect him to match line for line whatever you write to him.

Letter to Father Leonard Bavette in Montreal, 16 April 1849, EO I n 116


“If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.” (John Quincy Adams)

This was exactly the role of Eugene’s correspondence and dealings with his Oblate Family.

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate Associate says:

    The longer I sit here with Eugene, the more I realise that my spirit joins with his, in the presence of God. It is not always bound by time and physicality. I am not sure that it is with the communion of saints, but rather perhaps this is how we join and share within us Eugene’s charism and the Spirit of God. This all is a part of “being” that then leads to the “doing”…

    Eugene is one of the most “alive” persons I have ever met, a man with a heart as big as the world and it is through the many footsteps of his sons and daughters that I walk in his. He along with the communion of saints.

    While I strive to inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, I am actually terrified of being able to lead others; I see myself as being a bit of an “elder.”

    It takes ongoing courage, trust, and humility to continue responding to God’s call, because there does not seem to be any footsteps in front of us. It is then in the silence that we listen and hear God inviting us to serve.

    It is in this way that we become everybody’s servant…

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