Eugene wrote in his Diary:

Among the numerous letters which arrive from everywhere, I have received one today from Fr. Laverlochere, dated from Moose Factory. It contains some interesting details from those difficult missions on the shores of the icy sea, in Hudson Bay. I am happy to see how he praises little Fr. Arnaud who has been raised to the priesthood in Canada. This is what Fr. Laverlochere has to say about him: “The Bishop of Bytown will give as my companion the likeable and virtuous little Fr. Arnaud. It would be impossible for me to tell you all that this little child of Mary Immaculate possesses by way of qualities. The beauty of his soul and his goodness of heart are so clearly imprinted on his angelic face that all who see him are impressed at first sight. Protestants as well as Catholics have mentioned this to me more than once. He has only one fault, I am told, that he is too young. I tell them that this is a fault that he is correcting day by day. In fact his angelic face appears so young that, in many instances, I have had difficulty persuading the Hudson Bay officers that he is a priest like myself. A soul so candid and so pure cannot even suspect the awful evil which is rife in the world. Indeed he fails to combine the prudence of the serpent with the simplicity of the dove, a virtue which he possesses to the highest degree. I praise God every day for having such a companion. Without saying a word, he often makes me blush at my own laziness and I must admit this to you, very reverend Father.”

What is one to think of such an admission coming from the mouth of this heroic missionary who is doing such wonders of dedication with so much success in the missions he has founded and bringing to perfection all the others which he visits every year? Indeed the good Fr. Laverlochère is as humble as he is powerful in good works.

 Eugene de Mazenod’s Diary, 26 October 1849, EO XXII


Eugene’s pride in the achievements of his missionary family is evident. We are also invited to enjoy the achievements of the Oblate Charismatic family today. Every day our official website publishes news from our missionaries throughout the world:

Look at them and enjoy them!

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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate Associate says:

    Another view of early Oblates in Eastern Canada: another view of the ordinary becoming extraordinary. Eugene himself had suffered especially early on with his founding community, at the hands of local bishops who probably feared him, just as did some of those in Eastern Canada who feared Fr. Arnaud OMI and his way of preaching to the poorest of the poor.

    Like so many others who were sent to Canada and then those who were born on this North American continent, these Oblates, in their role as missionaries went out to our Indigenous Peoples on their lands and into their villages making their homes with their communities. Their lives are an inspiration to us.

    The world has become smaller than it was in Eugene and Fr. Arnaud’s time only in that travel has become so available to many. In this digital age we can meet others, becoming friends with them and finding ourselves united with them around the world. It is not just the Oblate religious, but for those of us who are Oblate Associates, no matter where we are or who we are sent to walk with. We are a part of the Oblate/Mazenodian Family.

    I find myself wanting once again to sing Sister Sledge’s We Are Family:

    All of the people around us they say
    “Can they be that close?”
    Just let me state for the record
    We’re givin’ love in a family dose.

    We are family
    I got all my sisters with me
    We are family
    Get up everybody and sing.

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