As we have no writings of Eugene on this period in Texas, I think it important to tell the story of this mission. Fr. Bob Wright takes up the narrative:

The Oblates selected by Father Telmon parted paths in New Orleans, with Father Telmon and two of his companions sailing directly to Brownsville while Father Augustin Gaudet and scholastic Brother Paul Gelot sailed to Galveston with Bishop Odin, arriving at the beginning of December. Their plan was to remain in Galveston only temporarily, until their confreres had made a proper foundation in Brownsville. While in Galveston Brother Gelot continued his formation, Father Gaudet assisted in the local ministry, and both studied English and Spanish. But the dire circumstances experienced by the Oblates in Brownsville the first several months postponed the plans for Father Gaudet and Brother Gelot to join them there. After the bishop left Galveston for an extended visitation of the vast diocese in April, Father Gaudet soon found himself the only priest in town, taking care of both the parish and the Ursuline convent. When his complaints finally reached France in September, the General Council decided to recall him immediately to the Canadian province – ironically, just as it was determined in Texas that the improved Brownsville situation would allow Gaudet and Gelot to transfer to Brownsville at the end of October. Dutifully obeying the obedience from France, Father Gaudet departed Galveston in early November 1850. The scholastic Gelot, however, with whom the Founder had reservations, opted to remain in the United States and become a diocesan priest.

Six years later, Father Gaudet was to return to Texas for another 20 years and to die in Brownsville.


“To succeed in your mission, you must have single-minded devotion to your goal.” (A. Kalam)

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