Through the eyes of our crucified Saviour we see the world which he redeemed with his blood, desiring that those in whom he continues to suffer will know also the power of his resurrection (cf. Phil 3: 10). (Constitution 4)
The potato famine massacred the population of Ireland. Bishop Eugene wrote a pastoral letter to his diocese asking people to help the Irish financially. In it we find the foundation of his Oblate mission: his conversion experience at the foot of the Cross and his realization that he had been redeemed by the blood of the Savior. His mission was to bring others to the same realization.
The reason for helping the Irish Catholics went deeper than charity:
Let it not be said they belong to an empire other than ours. That would be completely unworthy of Christian charity for we are all, as long as people dwell on earth, children of our Father in heaven and neighbours to each other; and moreover, the Irish belong like us to the great Catholic family.
Not only is the blood of the same human family common to us but the blood of our Redeemer in which we share as recipients of the same grace and the same sacraments.
Bishop Eugene’s Circular Letter to the people of Marseilles, 24 February 1847, EO III Circular n 2.
This profound conviction that the blood of the Redeemer is common to all formed the foundation of Eugene’s understanding of the Church primarily as the Body of Christ.
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I find myself wanting to “blame” others, to be quite specific in pointing a finger at those who are most obviously wrong, evil, terrifying, fearful and list goes on. Even as I recognise this small and shameful truth, I find that I also dare to look through the eyes of the crucified and resurrected Saviour. It is then that I see through eyes of perfect and full love all those in front and beside me. Jesus does not shout at me, shame me or demand anything of me. There is this immense experience of loving forgiveness which was/is for me.
It can become habitual to try truthfully to recognize myself in others and them in me.
“Let it not be said they belong to an empire other than ours.” What if we courageously dare to be like Eugene (when his eyes met mine) and like St. Paul, when he was struck down and became aware of his own blindness? If we try it on our own it might seem impossible for we don’t know which way to even turn but if we dare to allow ourselves to see through the eyes of the crucified Saviour we open ourselves and our hearts allowing God to fill us with an immense freedom; and we can help to nourish those we walk with as well as allowing them to do the same with us.
If we allow ourselves to see through the eyes of our crucified Saviour, then the cross become pivotal in our lives, just as it was with Eugene.