The Register of Entries into the Novitiate and other archival material note that Jean Baptiste de Bausset, a member of the Youth Congregation, was in the first group of novices in Aix and was a Missionary for two years. When he left the Missionaries he continued to reside with them while studying law at the university. This entry points to an important development in the house of Aix. It had many rooms and some of these were used as accommodation for students.

All together the records indicate that some fourteen Youth Congregation members entered the novitiate. Moreover seventeen of the Youth came to live at the Mission House from 1816 onwards either as postulants or as students of the colleges in Aix. Of these six became diocesan priests and one a Brother of Saint John of God. Rey and Jeancard speak of this as being an “apostolic school.”

Apart from the Youth Congregation members, we have no other records to indicate exactly how many young men came to live in the house while they did their studies in Aix. This outreach to the students of Aix is an interesting one and it is a pity that so many documents were destroyed or lost due to the expulsions of the religious from France, and that we do not have more details.

This outreach to students continues today with three projects:

  • The Pause-Midi, where some 80 students gather each day in our cloister from 0730 till 1400. It is a place of meeting for them and a place of Oblate presence to listen to them.
  • The project Oser, where we have students renting rooms but also meeting as a small community regularly with Oblates. Each student also has to have a commitment to a project in the city to help others. Linked with this is there is a project that helps students to find accommodation in Aix.
  • The School of Mission, though not based in Aix, continues the tradition of Eugene’s “apostolic school” with the formation of young people who participate in missionary activities with us.


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  1. LJC et MI
    This reading regarding youth ministry and how our homes were open to students is a dimension of life that we need to remember. That our houses are not close rectories but places for community to happen and take root. I know at a time of legal suits and scandal we may be leery of this, especially in the N. Hemisphere, yet I do not think out of fear we ought to close ourselves up behind locked doors and shutters. And even if we try do so, Christ will come through the door and open the windows as he did in the Easter readings.
    I hope we will reflect upon these early experiences and allow the Spirit to continue to open us up, to expand the soul, to share our lives and be part of the neighborhood community.
    Blessings, Jack,omi

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