President de Mazenod’s conversion journey led him to the sacrament of confession. Eugene now invites him to use this sacrament on a regular basis to maintain the force and movement of his conversion. His idea of the sacrament is not that of a laundry list to be washed clean, but of a regular sacramental opportunity to stop and review the progress of one’s life over a period of time and to make the necessary changes to maintain the desired direction.

But urge him especially, in my name, to go often, very often to confession.
A comparison occurs to me: a very dirty pot in which the dregs have been deposited for a long time, and whose surfaces are all encrusted over, must, after being washed, be rinsed out several times; and then does he not still have need of a very great grace? Each time he receives the sacrament of penance, he receives an increase of sanctifying grace, and in the state of aridity his soul finds itself in, this font must needs flow without cease. With such a help, a lot of progress can be made.

The son rejoices at what has happened in his father’s life and he repeats, yet again, his longing that they meet again.

I take pleasure in the thought of this conversion, God could not give me a greater consolation, but I am still without the happiness of seeing its fruits with my own eyes. Be sure to tell this dear soul that I am helping him with all my power to thank the Lord for the outstanding favour he has given him;

Letter to his father, C.A. de Mazenod, 7 July 1816, O.W. XV n. 137


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