As we have seen, Eugene’s time of enforced rest became the opportunity for a retreat and a time for reflection on the eventful events of the previous months. It was a grace-filled time because it allowed him to come to certain insights about himself and also concerning the congregation of Missionaries in its development and direction.

He became aware of how necessary a part of his life the community was for him. It was in community that he experienced where he belonged:

I am like a fish out of water here. My sole consolation is to follow you in your pious exercises. I am more faithful to them than when I was amongst you.

His retreat underlined, once again, the need for the striving for personal sanctity, to “be” in order to “do”:

If the good God heeds me, there will be no priests more saintly than you, my dear brothers, whom I love tenderly in the Lord, our common love.

It was the Lord, “our common love,” who brought the community together and ensured its continuing existence. The quality of life of the missionaries had to be such that they would be a witnessing community of living the Gospel virtues of Jesus, “our common love.” This, in turn, would attract others to want to imitate their lifestyle and commitment:

I embrace our dear novices and pray God that he will grant that they imitate your virtues.

Letter addressed to “our dear brothers, the missionaries at Aix”,
July 1816, O.W. VI n 12


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  1. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate says:

    “It was the Lord, “our common love,” who brought the community together and ensured its continuing existence. The quality of life of the missionaries had to be such that they would be a witnessing community of living the Gospel virtues of Jesus, “our common love.” It is Frank’s words of reflection that seem to settle upon me. Our common love – our crucified Saviour, and our beloved Church.

    As with Eugene and his new community, we too are called to step forward and share our experiences of the Lord, who is our common love, bringing the community together and ensuring it continuous existence. It is together that we as a witnessing community live our common love.

    There is not one of us who can be or do simply on our own. We are all called into a deeper way of being and then sent out…. this is how we are nourished.

    All our good works are empty if they are just for ourselves and our own salvation. It is when they reflect the light of God on others that life is born. Evangelizare pauperibus misit me: pauperes evangelizantur. I am reminded of the theme of the 37th General Chapter: Pilgrims of hope in communion. It is together that we step out to serve, it is together that we are sent, putting one foot in front of the other. This is our journey as pilgrims of hope in community: together, as one, giving witness of our common love.

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