The time of enforced rest for Eugene was a time of blessing not only for him but for the future of the Missionaries as well. Being forced to stop and reflect, he was given the opportunity to clarify important issues regarding the spirit and mission of his foundation of Missionaries.

His friend Forbin Janson had founded the Missionaries of France to preach parish missions throughout the country, and was hoping that Eugene and his group would join him. In this letter to him, Eugene shows that the direction of the Missionaries of Provence has now become clear:

… Do not think I have disregarded the proposals you have repeatedly made to me on the subject of uniting our houses. I have, on the contrary, been quite busy taking them up with both our Grand Vicars and our members. The constant attitude of the former is that such a union would not be to the advantage of the diocese. My confreres share this feeling. They are concerned more with evangelizing poor people of the rural areas than city dwellers, and in this I agree with them. The need of the former is incomparably greater and the fruits of our ministry amongst them more assured.
… We are five in all, a number so inadequate for the work we have to do that we will infallibly succumb, myself especially for whom the time that we are not on missions is not a time of rest. Patience! Were I alone to perish…

Letter to Forbin Janson, July-August, 1816, O.W. VI n. 13


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  1. Archbishop Marcello Zago OMI, following Pope John Paul II in Redemptoris Missio, #37b (“efforts should be concentrated on the big cities”), urged Oblates to focus on cities rather than rural areas. I hope, Frank that this posting will lead us to remember the needs of rural areas. At least in the USA, fewer and fewer of our city raised Oblates are comfortable in rural areas. Population has shifted, but DeMazenod didn’t seem to use numbers as a measure of success, or did he?

  2. franksantucci says:

    The villages of Provence were the places where the people were the least affected by the structures of the Church, and this is why Eugene insisted that the outreach to the most abandoned be there. The more abandoned persons of the cities were not excluded, however, because the Missionaries of Provence did missions in the poorer quarters of Aix and Marseille in 1820. Some thrity years later Eugene insisted that the Oblates start parishes in the big cities of Manchester and Liverpool, where the poor Irish voctims of the potato famine were in need. I think that Buffalo (NY) also fits into this category.

    As I read it, Eugene’s concern was always for those who were not neing touched by the structures of ministry of the Church, wherever they were. Today the different “worlds” of Redemptoris Missio are very much areas where we find the call of the poor where the Church does not manage to reach people in their abandonment (eg the world of youth, the world of migrants, the world where people are rejected because of who or what they are…. )

  3. Eleanor Rabnett, Lay Oblate says:

    This is not about measuring whether it be in the big cities or the rural area; but rather as Frank mentioned serving where people are left untouched by the structures of the Church. As we see with Eugene he wants to serve both, as he has been called by God, as the Spirit has shared with him.

    Eugene and his founding community have chosen not to live and be in the comfort the Church affords for many, but rather as Francis says to taken on the smell of the sheep (becoming a part of the flock(s) they lead and serve – most often the least of the least). The “both and” – giving their all as they step out and serve in the darkness as well as the light. He affirms that which Forbin Janson is offering and the value of the Missionaries of France, however in his eyes there is greater and more present need. He communicates with the Vicars General in his area as to what is needed and then finds a way to make it happen. All within the Rule of Life that will embrace the future congregation…

    It seems to me that this is their call to see through the eyes of our crucified Saviour and love not only the followers but those who are on the cross beside and even those who have played a part in his crucifixion: in fact the whole world who continues to witness his crucifixion and resurrection.

    As members of the Mazenodian Oblate Family we are all called to serve, not just in one particular ministry but in many ways. We make our oblation ‘to share in the charism according to the state of our lives and live it in ways that vary according to milieu and cultures.’(ed. R37a)

    “Why? Because when Jesus calls, I just go, because I know He is always with me and He won’t let me down. Without cost I have received, without cost I try to give. Whether it is joy, experience or life. (Jura Kalmus in theCzech Republic where “the members of the Oblate family connect with each other through this prayer on the third Sunday every month”.)

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