The community’s reply was sent to Eugene by Henri Tempier: in Aix the Missionaries were united with Eugene and encouraged him to accept what was happening in a spirit of being united with the humiliations of Jesus himself:

Our Dear Superior,
We must admit that God is being very good to us since He allows us to share the gifts He gave His Son. Permit us to suffer with you, even though it seems that these humiliations were meant for you personally. Would that God would always treat us so and, what is more important, that we would conform to His treatment of us! Our poor humiliated and mistrusted family should soon become thoroughly holy and then, what fruits would we reap! As Saint Francis de Sales said: ‘A thousand falling to the left, ten thousand to the right.’ There would be no resisting us; and, to use his own words: ‘The deeper our humiliation, the higher God’s glory.’ The admirable and holy Father Boudon used to say: ‘Everything will go well if the poor archdeacon is brought low.’ I am sure you will pardon my lack of originality for repeating what you yourself know better than I and especially what you know how to practice better than I. How could we not follow your example?

Letter of Henri Tempier to Eugene de Mazenod, 23 October 1817,
in Rambert I p. 250

Maunier added:

In God alone we place our confidence and, in consequence, we could not be blamed. To endure being reproached for having wished to do good, such glory is too much for us, let us admit, at least for me who am only a midget in the Church. But since it is God alone for whom we act and for whom we ought to act, let us always do what we can, let us not flinch from this hard road which lies before us, let us not lose sight of our divine Master who goes before us, carrying his cross and who deigns to invite us to follow him…”

Emmanuel Maunier to Eugene de Mazenod, YENVEUX, V, 231.

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  1. John Mouck says:

    These letters express so well the paradox of following Jesus that I have noticed in my own life journey / struggle.
    Life is so much easier and fulfilling when I but follow Jesus. Yet as soon as narcissism, ego, comfort, enter the picture and I lose that all important “humility”, some atrocity which I totally don’t understand (because only He knows the big plan) occurs to plant my feet back on the path He has cleared. Fortunately (thank you Father), I have finally become mature enough, wise enough to accept these little slaps-on-the-wrist with love and appreciation.

    Not my will but Yours be done.

    Pray for me as I do you,


  2. In the past few readings from St. Eugene we see his struggle with institutional authority and his “worshiping God in Spirit and Truth”. And what he speaks of is discernment. How do we know what to do? And as Louie our General recently wrote, discernment is done in prayer with the community and we see Eugene as our example. Humility also is radical honesty for it it earthy and real. So part of our journey together is honesty; the bearing of our heart/soul and then together we will stand with each other-vulnerable and walk together the journey. Alone it can’t be done, but together in God all is possible.

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